Frederick F. Younkin


Family Links

Sarah Faidley

Frederick F. Younkin 1,2,3

  • Born: 3 Nov 1801, Somersert Co., PA 3
  • Marriage: Sarah Faidley

bullet  General Notes:

In the 1850 Census of Upper Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset County, Pennsylvania, Frederick, age 49, and his wife, Sarah, age 36, are listed along with four of their children: Susan, age 5; Barbara, age 4; Nancy, age 2; and Saloma, age 1. In <BR>addition, living in the household were, Jacob Younkin, age 22, a laborer; and Catharine Fately, age 17.<BR><BR><BR><BR>In the 1860 Census of Upper Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset, Pennsylvania, Frederick, age 50, and wife, Sarah, age 45, are again listed. Included are children: Susan, age 16; Barbary, age 14; Nancy, age 13; Sabrina (?), age 10; Franck, age 8; and <BR>William H., age 3. Jacob Faidly, age 60, and Adam Fadely, age 58, (uncles of Sarah) were living in the household. Nancy Younkin, age 45, is also listed in the household.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation. Farmer


Frederick married Sarah Faidley, daughter of John William Faidley and Barbara Kreider. (Sarah Faidley was born on 19 Sep 1816 in Somerset Co., PA 3 and died on 4 Jun 1884 in Kingwood, PA.)


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